Thursday, December 17, 2020


Wow, this brings back memories...
“Shop” suddenly popped into my head the other day. Followed shortly by this, of course. (I forgot how fun Snog’s lyrics always are...)

(Hmm, it just occurred to me that Sahar Tabar in her most zombiesque p'shopping and make-up kind of reminds me of my chihuahua... 
(Sadly, even with the pale eyes, because she's going blind, so her eyes look milky blue, one a lot more than the other due to corneal damage.))

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Joe Biden.

This is personal to me. It moved me and almost brought tears to my eyes. 
This is the Joe Biden we need. And we can't let him forget that. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Pieces of me are falling away…

…I hope they fall into the wind and are carried away as beautifully as this carries me away…


…I need to be carried away…