Friday, December 08, 2023

I’m going to say it. Free Palestine! From the river to the sea!

I don’t care if you put me on your “terror watchlist”. It’s time to say it. Now that the US has blocked the UN Security Council’s resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the United States of America has given it’s public stamp of approval for Israel to carry through with its genocide and extermination of the Palestinians in Gaza. The United States of America is not just complicit but is a partner in these most heinous and horrific war crimes and crimes against humanity.

As a natural born citizen of the US, I am so deeply ashamed, and I am so sorry to the Palestinians that my government is so cruelly hypocritical and doesn’t think your lives have equal value to your oppressors. 

We deserve to be attacked. We just guaranteed that we will be. We just signed every Gazan Palestinian’s death sentence. We just made Americans and Israelis so much less safe in the world. So don’t be surprised. I’m not justifying it, not condoning it, not excusing it. Just predicting. So, don’t be surprised.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Truth about Israel Defense Forces

This was 17 years ago. It was the same then as it is now; it was the same then as it was for decades prior. 
When will people get it? I just do not understand how people don’t see that the Palestinians have been shit on by nearly everyone for 100 years. I cannot wrap my brain around how it is that people think their suffering doesn’t matter. Or worse, that their suffering is necessary. Or necessarily dismissed as “collateral damage”. 

Those young men were courageous; it’s possible they couldn’t go back to Israel after speaking out.