Monday, May 28, 2018


My sincerest apologies to anyone who actually reads this blog, that I still have yet to fulfill my promise of writing my defense of Comey, and just posting in general.  I assure you, I have been working on it, when I can.  As you know, I do not here divulge of personal details – and besides, this time there are some federal legal reasons to motivate my usual tight-lippedness – so all I can say is, there has been quite the hustle and bustle in my life the past several weeks.  (Actually, the past several months; or maybe I should just say, most of the past year.)  And I am not one who can usually easily shift mental gears, so it has been a bit of a challenge finding the mental focus to be able to write.  Especially since the many other things swirling about my life are actually somewhat important, and have the tendency to be slightly urgent.  But what tops the cake is that, four days ago, my iMac died – for good this time, as the HD was clicking, so that's that, and I did get 10.5 years out of it, so, it was time, and I am hoping, hoping, a new iMac is plausibly possible soonishly – followed the next day by the onset of a particularly horrendous version of the common cold, which has not yet quite passed. 

But anyway, there is a lot going on for me, but I can make a better effort to post here, and I know that I ought to.  It does pain me that I regularly have so many thoughts, so many things to say, so many things to share, that yet remain confined within the walls of my own mind – my own mind, the only thing I have ever felt that I have to give to the world –

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