Thursday, October 04, 2018

Dear Senators,

You do realize the extreme backlash you will face if you vote to confirm Kavanaugh, right?

You do realize that you are supposed to be representing the American people, and the American people have spoken loudly and clearly that they do not want Kavanaugh, right?

And you do realize that your names will be inscribed into history as being forever attached to what will be historically remembered as the Kavanaugh scandal, don't you?

You do realize the shame that will bring upon your families, now and in the future, don't you?

I mean, surely you must realize these things, right?

And you do realize, you do remember, that there are several other factors that ought to disqualify Kavanaugh from being awarded one of the highest job promotions in the entire nation, right?

1 comment:

  1. While time travelling via live journal, I saw this. Great writing. Hope you are well!
    -stacy (if you even remember me lol, feel free to say hi 269-364-0577)
