Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Israel is sick

How sick does a society have to be in order to be openly in favor of torture without any restriction whatsoever? Including rape, raping men, women, and children—yes, they’re raping children—raping people to death, raping men with electrified metal rods! Perhaps even raping them with dogs, though I don’t know if that is confirmed, but no one would be surprised at this point if they were doing that too. Israel is the sickest and most sadistic regime, they are utterly disgusting. How could any nation be proud of torture?! And such sick sick torture. They are psychopaths, sick serial killers.
Polio has been confirmed to be in Gaza now, too. Nice job, Israel. If there’s an outbreak of polio, or any other infectious disease currently spreading in Gaza because of the savage cruelty of Israel, the whole world will know who to blame. 

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