Monday, September 30, 2024

The Terrorism of Western supremacy, imperialism and hypocrisy

What do I even say? How do I even begin? The terrorist regime of the Zionist occupying entity called “Israel” is carrying out a massacre on the people of Lebanon too. Slaughtering Palestinians isn’t enough, apparently. It is incomprehensible to me, both the horrors the Palestinians and Lebanese are going through and the mindset capable of carrying it out or supporting and justifying it. 
Watching this, and watching the world watch this, and watching my government pretend it’s not happening and pretend they’re so unaware and uninvolved while they facilitate it, and hearing the way people talk about it, the words they choose to use: this has put me in a state of so much stress and anxiety, anguish and grief, disgust and despair, and visceral outrage, that I sometimes start shaking.

To start with, for the record, Hassan Nasrallah was not a terrorist. Do not refer to Hizbollah as a “terrorist organization”.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Hizbollah’s hiding missiles in my house!

The IOF are not targeting Hizbollah sites. They say that, but that is not what they are doing. That’s just gaslighting, and a weak attempt to avoid liability for the consequences of their attacks. Do they really believe they are fooling anyone? How absurd are their gaslighting and hasbara going to get?

The IOF make public announcements and call and text people in Lebanon and send radio messages to warn everyone in the south of Lebanon: if you are located near a site used by Hizbollah, or there are Hizbollah rockets or weapons in your home or the building you are in, you are at risk of being bombed and so you need to evacuate north for your safety.

Because, you know, it’s just common knowledge where the sites are that Hizbollah uses for anything. 

Are you fucking stupid?

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Actually, no, Hamas do NOT use “human shields”

Let’s dismantle the claim that Hamas use civilian Palestinians as “human shields” by embedding themselves within the civilian population and infrastructure, and that this is the reason why the civilian death toll in Gaza is so absurdly high. That is, the high death toll is Hamas’s fault, not the fault of Israel and the IOF who are the ones doing the actual killing. First, I will give you a bunch of reasons why we should believe the “human shields” claim is false. Then I will tell you how we can know definitively that it is false, and that the IOF are indeed targeting the civilian population, instead of civilian deaths being mere “collateral damage”.

I just have to say, it is grossly embarrassing how much the U.S. government and Zionists and genocide apologists think we are all very stupid and incapable of looking with our own eyes and figuring out what is really going on. If we took how they describe the situation and switched out the location and the people involved to be anywhere in the West, nobody would ever in their right mind claim what they are now trying to convince us about Hamas and the IOF. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Lebanon has a right to defend itself

Israel is attacking Lebanon, not the other way around, and that’s obvious to anyone. Israel is striking first, not Lebanon, not Hizbollah, Israel is attacking first. The U.S. government has said several times it will only come to Israel’s aid to defend it, not aid it in a war it started. But now let’s see how quickly they go back on their word, and come up with some half-baked concocted and logically twisted claims that somehow it was Hizbollah who started it and now the U.S. must defend Israel. 

Israel must be stopped. And the U.S. government must be stopped. It is Israel and the U.S. government who are the terrorists and promote violence.

I can only hope I can find a way to move out of this country in the not too distant future. But practically debilitating chronic health issues make that quite challenging, since I am not lucky enough to come from the wealth and privilege that would allow me access to do that. So I don’t have any clue how I will make that happen, but I have to get out of this country at some point, because I cannot stand what the U.S. government has done and is doing to so much of the rest of the world. Sure, not everything is bad, but most of it is, especially in these recent times. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Terrorist attack on Lebanon

Do you condemn terrorism against a civilian population? 
Make no mistake: the explosions in pagers and other devices in Lebanon is a terrorist attack by Israel. And I have no doubt the U.S. government knew about it and played some role in it. Israeli citizens are literally online cheering and mocking and viciously laughing at the Lebanese who were injured and killed! If China or Russia had done something like that, the U.S. government would be screaming about how horrific of an attack of terrorism it was, and they’d be condemning it and demanding everyone condemn such a despicable and cowardly attack. But because it’s Israel, we play dumb and uninformed and are “concerned”. Fuck you, Blinken and Biden, and Sullivan and Hochstein too. Not only are you disgusting, but you will be to blame when we get attacked on our own soil. And we fucking deserve it! I will not be surprised when it happens. Nor when Zionism is what destroys your precious American Empire. 

Friday, September 06, 2024

Just a bit of health advice

Don’t become anemic! It’s really frustrating and not always easy to come back from. Especially when the cause of the anemia is something you can’t really avoid, like for example, a certain medication you absolutely need, so you keep falling back into anemia. :( I never expected anemia would be something I would struggle with.

Monday, September 02, 2024

 You know you’re getting old when you enjoy the taste of plain Cheerios, dry.