Friday, September 20, 2024

Lebanon has a right to defend itself

Israel is attacking Lebanon, not the other way around, and that’s obvious to anyone. Israel is striking first, not Lebanon, not Hizbollah, Israel is attacking first. The U.S. government has said several times it will only come to Israel’s aid to defend it, not aid it in a war it started. But now let’s see how quickly they go back on their word, and come up with some half-baked concocted and logically twisted claims that somehow it was Hizbollah who started it and now the U.S. must defend Israel. 

Israel must be stopped. And the U.S. government must be stopped. It is Israel and the U.S. government who are the terrorists and promote violence.

I can only hope I can find a way to move out of this country in the not too distant future. But practically debilitating chronic health issues make that quite challenging, since I am not lucky enough to come from the wealth and privilege that would allow me access to do that. So I don’t have any clue how I will make that happen, but I have to get out of this country at some point, because I cannot stand what the U.S. government has done and is doing to so much of the rest of the world. Sure, not everything is bad, but most of it is, especially in these recent times. 

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