Monday, September 30, 2024

The Terrorism of Western supremacy, imperialism and hypocrisy

What do I even say? How do I even begin? The terrorist regime of the Zionist occupying entity called “Israel” is carrying out a massacre on the people of Lebanon too. Slaughtering Palestinians isn’t enough, apparently. It is incomprehensible to me, both the horrors the Palestinians and Lebanese are going through and the mindset capable of carrying it out or supporting and justifying it. 
Watching this, and watching the world watch this, and watching my government pretend it’s not happening and pretend they’re so unaware and uninvolved while they facilitate it, and hearing the way people talk about it, the words they choose to use: this has put me in a state of so much stress and anxiety, anguish and grief, disgust and despair, and visceral outrage, that I sometimes start shaking.

To start with, for the record, Hassan Nasrallah was not a terrorist. Do not refer to Hizbollah as a “terrorist organization”. Unless you’re also willing to call the U.S. and the U.K., and the CIA and MI6 terrorist organizations too. I’d argue they’re more terrorist than Hizbollah could ever be! I won’t get into specifics here—maybe later—but if you were raised on Western propaganda, then almost everything you’ve been told about Hizbollah is untrue. (Same with Hamas, Ansar Allah, …) It wasn’t too long ago when I believed all that shit too, before I was interested in actually understanding and learning about what really happened and is happening. (I always had my suspicions, but I never looked into it back then because all my attention was on other things.) 

And anyway, the word “terrorist” just means whatever the government wants it to mean, because the words “terrorist” and “terrorism” (as used by governments and media, etc.) are really about fighting back against an unjust ruling or governing power. If you want to use the word to mean what it intuitively seems to mean, then Israel is most certainly a terrorist state and the IOF a vicious terrorist armed group.

The Zionist warplanes—let’s be real, it wasn’t just the IOF, so don’t believe for a second the U.S. wasn’t involved in this—carried out a bombing campaign in a specific residential neighborhood in Beirut, dropping dozens of bunker buster one ton bombs onto the same target. Why? To kill several top officials of Hizbollah, including Sec. Gen. Hassan Nasrallah. A capital city. A residential neighborhood. An apartment building. Dozens of 2000 lb bombs.There were no warnings, no evacuations, even though it was full of civilians and on a city block surrounded by other civilian buildings, some of which were also bombed and destroyed. How many civilians were killed or injured? I don’t know, the media is ignoring it. They’re all just celebrating the assassination (murder) of the leader of Hizbollah and several top commanders and officials. They’re all celebrating that “justice has been done”. The Arab civilians are just furniture…

The racist hypocrisy and gaslighting and Western exceptionalism and supremacy are nauseously astounding. If it was Netanyahu and other top Israeli govt officials who’d have been eliminated, and zero civilians were killed, the Zionist West would be losing their fucking minds. They’d be screaming about how illegal and evil it is, and that such crimes cannot be tolerated, cannot be acceptable and normalized, and the murderers need to be hunted down, however long it takes, however much it costs, and “brought to justice,” by which they mean executed. Same if it was any Western (*hwhite*) political or government or military leader. Even worse if it was specifically some U.S. official—that’d set off WWIII in a heartbeat. 
But when they’re not white, well, they deserved it, it’s justice, they did all these bad things… they’re so imperfect… and those people are backwards anyway… and they hate us…
Look, it’s just okay to kill those people; we have to rid the world of them. They’re terrorists. So, they brought it upon themselves…

It makes me sick to my stomach. 
It’s hard to even get enough of a mental grip to be able to reason and think logically and use words to form coherent sentences for my thoughts. Because the doublespeak, gaslighting, and hypocrisy are literally making me feel like I’m going crazy.
This is breaking my brain. (Ya, my heart too, obviously, millions of times over. But honestly, Western politicians and media have made the word “heartbreaking” repulsive. I can’t hear it anymore; at this point it just stands for cold hypocrisy.)

I’m not done; I have more to say.

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